If you would like to be specially remembered in our intentions please submit a catholic prayer request here. “Through prayer we can procure for ourselves immeasurable spiritual blessings – the power to overcome temptations, no matter how violent, the grace to increase in love for God, and above all, perseverance in the state of grace and eternal salvation.” The prayer of petition allows us to “ask for graces and blessings for ourselves and others” (Baltimore Catechism p. 287). Contact us with your catholic prayer request and we will remember you in our traditional Latin Masses and prayers.
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Prayer Request

Through prayer we can procure for ourselves immeasurable spiritual blessings – the power to overcome temptations, no matter how violent, the grace to increase in love for God, and above all, perseverance in the state of grace and eternal salvation.” The prayer of petition allows us to “ask for graces and blessings for ourselves and others” (Baltimore Catechism p. 287). Contact us with your prayer request and we will remember you in our Masses and prayers.

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